Wednesday 9 May 2018

How to write a letter of complaint

Letter of Complaint (Formal letter)

Types according to purpose and receiver :

1.     Complaint about defective purchase/service as an Individual
2.     Complaint about problem as a group/society
3.     Complaint about a defective supply or service to an official 


Sender’s address
Leave a line
Date (8 March 2018)
Leave a line
Receiver’s address
Leave a line
Subject (topic in brief)
Salutation (Sir/Ma’am)
Content       1 Paragraph – state the complaint and transaction, date of purchase, brand/price, statement of complaint about defective service or problem
2 Paragraph – describe item and its defects in detail, dissatisfaction, warranty period, 3 - 4 points about detailed complaint
                   3 Paragraph – request for repair, service or replacement or money back, measure to control the problem
                   4 Paragraph – complimentary close, attachments
Subscription (Yours faithfully/sincerely)
Writer’s Name/ABC
Designation (if required)


Points to take care (dos and don’ts) :

1.     Use formal language and make polite request
2.     The complaint should not be aggressive, insulting or rude
3.     Don’t threaten to go to police or court in the first letter.
4.     Information should be detailed and specific.
5.     There should be subsequent difference between the date of purchase and that of complaint.
6.     Don’t use derogatory words or defamatory language.

Subscription :

Yours faithfully if the salutation is Sir/Ma’am or Dear sir/ma’am
Yours sincerely if salutation is Dear Mr. Kapoor/Ms. Shalini
Note that ‘Yours truly’ is used in place of Yours faithfully by users of American English.

Marking Scheme : (it may vary as per the board/pattern/blue print)
                   Format – 1 mark
                   Content – 4 marks
                   Expression – 2 marks ( fluency – 1 m.  & Organisation of ideas – 1 )
                   Accuracy - 1 mark (errors related to spelling, grammar & vocabulary)
                   Total –  8 marks

Sample Letters

Q1. You are the librarian at Jesus and Mary School, Agra. You had placed an order for 80 copies of ‘English Literature Reader’ text books for class X from Prakash Books, New Market, Agra. You found that the pages in some of the books are missing and print is also overlapping. Write a letter of complaint to the manager for refund or replacement. (120-150 words)

Jesus and Mary School
ABC Road

20 January 2018

The Manager
Prakash Books
New Market
Agra, U.P.

Subject – Complaint about defective books

With reference to purchase of English Literature Reader text books against Invoice no. 1871 dated 18 January 2018, I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that print quality of some books is unsatisfactory and some pages are also missing in some books.

I placed an order for 80 copies of ‘English Literature Reader’ for class X on 16 January 2018 and received delivery of the same on 18 January 2018. After browsing through the brooks we found that pages 33-36 and 97-100 are missing in six of the books. That is not all, on pages 112-114 and 160-164 the print is overlapping. Furthermore, the print quality of four books is very poor. It would be highly inconvenient to the students to read the chapters.

Therefore, I request you to kindly look into the matter and reconsider the request of replacement of those ten books with faulty print and missing pages or refund the amount as soon as possible.

I look forward to the subsequent action at your end to resolve the matter. Your assistance is highly appreciated. A copy of invoice is attached with the letter.
Thank you.

Yours faithfully
Librarian, St. Mary and Jesus School

Q2. You are Aparna/Arpit, a resident of 33, Station Road Jila Colony, Nagpur. You bought a refrigerator from Ganesh Electronics and Electricals, Gandhi Marg, Nagpur. Write a letter of complaint to the Manager about the defects in the product and asking for immediate repair or replacement. (120-150 words)

33, Station Road
Jila Colony

18 March 2018

The Manager
Ganesh Electronics and Electricals
Gandhi Marg

Subject : Complaint about defective refrigerator

With reference to the refrigerator I purchased from your shop against the Invoice no. 123 dated 8 March 2018, it is very unfortunate to inform that the refrigerator has stopped working.

I would like to draw your attention to a Godrej refrigerator, model number XXX012 that was bought by me from your shop on 8 March 2018. It worked well for three days but after that it started producing irritating noise and the sidewalls started getting heated up. The freezing compartment stopped working suddenly the very next day. It was producing loud noise with vibrations. On fifth day it stopped working completely.

Therefore, I request you to provide appropriate service and resolve the matter. I would appreciate if you get the refrigerator checked thoroughly by a qualified and trained technician promptly. If the problem cannot be solved, you are requested to get it replaced or refund the money.

I look forward to a prompt action at your end and satisfactory settlement of the matter. The product covers five years warranty. The invoice and warranty card are attached with the letter.
Thank you.
Attachments :
1. Invoice
2. Warranty Card

Yours faithfully
Aparna/Arpit (write any one name)

Q3. You read an article ‘An Old Couple Murdered in Delhi’ in a leading newspaper. You decide to write a letter to the Commissioner of police complaining against the rising rate of crime against the old and helpless people. Include measures to be taken to improve the security of the people. You are Manu/ Mahesh of A-9/10 9, Phase-I, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi.

A-9/109, Phase-I
Ashok Vihar
New Delhi

12 April 2018

The Commissioner of Police
Police Head Quarters
New Delhi 1100XX

Subject – Increasing crime against the old and aged

These days the rate of crime against the elderly and helpless people is touching skies. It is very disappointing to know that the aged people in our society do not feel safe even in the presence of such efficient and active police. The incident of the murder of the happy silver jubilee is nothing but the lack of vigilance and alertness of the police department.

The old cannot always defend themselves and need support of our police. Not only the old, other weaker sections like women and children are also facing the threats of rape, murder, chain snatching, abduction, child abuse, etc.  The old in our society, who wish to spend a peaceful and respectable life after serving the nation for two quarters of their life, don’t even dare to come out of their houses in evening. They are scared that they might be robbed or murdered.

Our senior citizens definitely deserve sincere efforts on our part in this respect. The police department must take actions as well as precautionary measures for their safety. The culprits should be punished severely. The patrolling should be increased in areas like parks, playgrounds, residential areas and old age homes. CCTV cameras must be put at every possible length and must be working properly.

Every citizen especially the old should feel safe and criminals should think hundred times before committing any crime.
Thank you

Yours faithfully