Friday 29 March 2024

Poster Making

Poster Making / Poster Writing / Designing a Poster

What is a Poster : 

Posters are to be displayed in a public place. They are drafted to announce, appeal or advertise some event/idea/issue/cause.

Purpose :

Posters are generally made to spread a social message or to create awareness about issues related to social problems among the general public.

It also serves the purpose to advertise some event of common interest or even to extend public invitations and display notices. Posters fulfil the purpose of a notice, advertisement and even an invitation.

It can be used to promote a product, event, cause or sentiment such as patriotism, eye-donation, tree plantation, water harvesting, health hazards, etc.

Key features of a good poster:

·        It is visually attractive/eye catching/appealing.

·        Write a catchy title/heading.

·        Include slogan, quotation, proverb, phrases or short verse using persuasive language.

·        Make an appropriate sketch or drawing

·        Use variety of fonts in terms of size, style and shape

·        It should be appealing enough to fulfil the purpose towards which it is targeted.

·        It must be creative in terms of language, content and expression.

·        It aims to test the ability to present the theme through a significant message and a relevant slogan.

·        Follow the word limit (usually 50)

     Put the poster in a box.

Content Points:

·        Mention clearly the theme, topic or subject of the poster

·        All the prominent information related to the theme/topic needs to be included/highlighted. Include all the important details in case of event such as time, date, venue, any special programme/guest.

·        Mention the name of issuing authority/organisation at the bottom.

·        Captions and slogans must highlight the features/dangers/benefits of theme as needed.

·        Convey the message with clarity of language and thoughts.

·        All the value points must be organised in a proper layout and presented in a sequencing and cohesive manner.


Language Specifications :

1. They must be written in a language prominent enough to attract the attention of the readers, and strong enough to excite their imagination and influence their minds.

2. Posters are read from a distance. Do not write too much of text and long sentences. Write short catchy sentences.

3. Use phrases, slogans, proverbs and short sentences.

4. Use present tense, future tense for warnings/consequences.

5. Use direct language/imperative sentences such as Don't use plastic, Don't miss the opportunity, etc.


On the basis of its purpose it is divided in two categories –

I. Event Posters

Event posters include events such as school fetes, book fairs and blood donation camps. Such a poster deals with events that are to take place. 

Some of its feature are:


Name of the organiser

Statement of appeal/invitation



Other important information/point/attraction

Special offer / points

II. Non Event Posters (For Awareness)

Non-event posters  include posters on social issues and social evils. 

Key features are :



Name of the person or organiser who has issued the poster.

List of reasons/cause and effect relationship/measures

Sample Posters

Q. As the Director of National Agriculture Organisation, Rajasthan design a poster to be published in the newspaper making the people of Rajasthan aware of the necessity of conserving water and also how to do it. (50 words)

Q. You are student in charge of Science Club of Modern School, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi. Design a poster for the Science Exhibition to be organised in your school by Science Club. Include all the necessary details. (50 Words)

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