Thursday 23 May 2024

How to solve Integrated Grammar

Integrated Grammar Practice

Points to remember : 

1. Read the entire passage carefully and with complete attention.

2. Try to understand what the passage talks about (idea/theme)

3. Try to find out out which tense should be used/which time is being discussed.

4. Fill in the gaps using all the grammar correctly related to pronoun, determiners,                tenses, conjunctions, prepositions, non finite verbs, etc.

5. Take care of subject verb conjugation identifying the subject as singular or                         plural.

Gap Filling / Sentence Completion Exercises

Exercise 1

1. You ................... (receive) your results by next month. 

2. They ................ (reach) the airport in two hours.

3. Priya ................ (clean) the room by the time I reach home.

4. Last year we ........... (be) in France. 

5. Do you ............ (hail) from New Zealand?

6. I ................ (make) a cheese cake at the moment.

7. Wait a moment! let me ............ (carry) this box for you.

8. The postman ............... (deliver) the letter by Wednesday.

9. .................. they ...............(leave) when I reach there?

10. Haven't you .............. (have) a cup of tea yet?

Video on Integrated Grammar

Exercise 2

1. Buying a home is one of the .......... important financial decisions we take.

2. We enjoyed the movie, you ............ been there.

3. ............... I go out? Asked her son.

4. Remember, every day is a new chance to ......... everything right.

5. ............... of elder people's pulse rate is less than 2 beats per second.

6. One's friends ........... have a great influence on what a person does.

Exercise 3

1. .............. (Few/The few) persons can keep a secret.

2. .......... (A few/Few) words spoken in earnest will convince him.

3. ............ (The few/few) friends he has all are honest.

4. It is ............ (a/the) one-rupee note.

5. ..... (The/A) dinner we had at the Tourist Hotel was very nice.

6. I went to ...... (a/the) hospital to see my uncle.

7. Honest men speak ....... (a/the) truth.

8. Copper is............. (a/an) useful metal.

Exercise 4

1. They ......... (build) a new power station at the moment.

2. I ........... (visit) my grandfather in the nursing home every Friday.

3. My favourite country is Canada. I ......... (be) there four times.

4. The grass is wet because it ......... (rain) all day long.

5. Who ............ (invent) the washing machine?

6. Somebody ............ (steal) my sunglasses from my room last week.

7. If I had gone to University, I ....... (study) Physics.

8. After he finished his exams, he ............ (go) on a foreign tour.

Video on Integrated Grammar

Exercise 5 

Music therapy  a) ................ (use) music to b) ............... (improve) the patient's health. Doctors c) ........... (use) it with individuals of all ages. It d) ............. (help) in curing a variety of medical problems such as substance abuse and aging. It e) ............ (use) to improve learning and it also f) ............ (reduce) stress.

Exercise 6

I (a).............. (run) for a bus when I (b)............ (hit) my foot on something on the pavement and (c) ............. (fall) over. I tried to get up but could not (d)............. (move). I had a terrible pain in my left foot. I (e) ............. (sprain) my ankle very badly. I (f) ............ (limp) when some passersby (g)............. (notice) me.

Exercise 7

My brother (a) .............. (ride) motorcycles for ten years. Yesterday for the first time, he (b) ............. (meet) with an accident. Now he (c) ............. (be) in hospital. The doctor (d) ................... (say) that he (e) ............ (discharge) from the hospital tomorrow.

Exercise 8

1. The owner of the house is selling ............ (a few/the little) pieces of furniture.

2. Go to ............... (The/That) doctor and get the medicines.

3. My sister is ............. (an/the) architect.

4. It's ................ (a/the) public holiday today, so nothing is open.

5. This is ............ (the/a) best book of Elementary Chemistry.

6. Do you have ............. (some/any) idea what he is upto.

Video on Integrated Grammar

Exercise 9

1. The family doesn’t feel like going ______ outing this season.

2. He insisted ______ my going there.

3. Credit $ 4000 _______ my  account.

4. Reena is junior  ______ Rohan.

5. He divided the money _______ his four children.

6. He emphasises _________ the necessity of arriving early.

7. The monitor was entrusted _______an important task.

8. I agree _____ you but not _______ what you wrote in this letter.

9. My father felt irritated _________ my irresponsible behaviour.

10.  He is ______ his death bed, there is little hope of his recovery.

Exercise 10

1. One of my friends ............ gone to France. 

2. Each of the boys ............ given a present.

3. Neither of the contestants ........... able to win a decisive victory.

4. Oil and water ............ not mix.

5. He and I ............ at Oxford together. 

6. Slow and steady............ the race. 

7. Neither Rohit nor Rahul  .......... any right to the property.

8. No Prize or medal ............. given to the boy though he stood first in the                            examination.

9. Either Maya or Anisha ......... responsible for this.

10. There is general belief that the students ............ write long answers get                           more marks.


Exercise 1

1. shall have received 

2. will be reaching

3. will have cleaned 

4. were

5. hail

6. am making

7. carry

8. will have delivered

9. will, have left

10. had

Exercise 2

1. Most

2. Should have

3. May

4. Get

5. Most

6. may

Exercise 3

1. Few

2. A few

3. The few

4. A

5. The

6. The

7. The

8. A

Exercise 4

1. are building

2. visit

3. has been raining

4. have been

5. invented

6. stole

7. would have studied 

8. would go

Exercise 5

1. Uses

2. Improve 

3. Use

4. Helps

5. Is used

6. Reduces

Exercise 6

1. Was running 

2. Hit

3. Fell

4. Move

5. Sprained

6. Was limping

7. Noticed

Exercise 7

1. Has been riding

2. Met

3. Is

4. Says

5. Will be discharged

Exercise 8

1. A few

2. The

3. An

4. A

5. The

6. Any

Exercise 9

1. on

2. on

3. To

4. To

5. among 

6. Over

7. With

8. With, to

9. At

10. on

Exercise 10

1. has

2. was

3. was

4. do

5. were

6. wins

7. has

8. was

9. is

10. who

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